Le salon des Solutions
du Grand Est

Exposants & Activités

Exposants & Activités

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Hall A

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LIST is a mission-driven Research and Technology Organisation that develops advanced technologies and delivers innovative products and services to industry and society.

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is a Research and Technology Organization (RTO) under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and its mission is to develop competitive and market-oriented prototypes of products and services for public and private stakeholders.

With nearly 710 employees, 79.5% of whom are researchers or innovators from all over the world, LIST is active in the fields of information technology, materials, space resources and the environment, and works across the entire innovation chain, from basic and applied research to technology incubation and transfer.

By transforming scientific knowledge into intelligent technologies, data and tools, LIST:

helps European citizens make informed choices

helps public authorities make decisions

encourages companies to develop

For more information about the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, please visit: https://www.list.lu/


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